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·[ 企业新闻] 2008年迈迪主推甜椒品种在各个种植基地表现优秀
2008年迈迪主推甜椒品种在各个种植基地表现优秀 露地长势 采收现场 收购现场 ...
http://www.seed-china.com/Info.aspx?ModelId=1&Id=23570 2008-10-09
·[ 企业新闻] 2008上海迈迪新品种在北京种子交易会发布
http://www.seed-china.com/Info.aspx?ModelId=1&Id=23569 2008-10-09
·[ 企业新闻] 吉瑞 F1 水果型黄瓜种子已经到货了
吉瑞 F1 水果型黄瓜种子已经到货了 亲爱的广大客户: 荷兰水果型黄瓜,吉瑞 F1 ,今年已经到货了,望广大客户相互转告.(货源很紧张,量有限,请抓紧时间购买) 上海迈迪农业发展有限公司 ...
http://www.seed-china.com/Info.aspx?ModelId=1&Id=23568 2008-07-28
·[ 企业新闻] 西藏农科院蔬菜研究来我公司参观访问
http://www.seed-china.com/Info.aspx?ModelId=1&Id=23567 2006-10-24
·[ 企业新闻] 2006 New Varieties exhibition
In the spring of 2006, Maidi hold the International New Varieties Exhibition in Maidi Showing Park of International New Vegetable Varieties. In the exhibition, she showed 300varieties of 9 categories including tomato, sweet pepper...
http://www.seed-china.com/Info.aspx?ModelId=1&Id=23566 2007-11-15
·[ 企业新闻] New Bitter Gourd Variety of Maidi Passed the Test
http://www.seed-china.com/Info.aspx?ModelId=1&Id=23565 2007-11-15
·[ 企业新闻] The president of APEX SEED PTYLTD paid a visit to Maidi
On Nov 8th, 2006, Mr Warrick Chudleigh, the president of APEX SEED PTYLTD came to visit Maidi. In 2005APSA, Maidi built cooperative relation with APEX SEED PTYLTD. Afterward, this company received seeds from Maidi. Most of the s...
http://www.seed-china.com/Info.aspx?ModelId=1&Id=23564 2007-10-20
·[ 企业新闻] 2005 APSA New Vegetable Varieties Exhibition
On Nov10th, 2005, Shanghai Maidi Showing Park of International Vegetable Varieties was set. At the same time, he successfully undertook the international new vegetable varieties exhibition in Asia and Pacific Area. There were ...
http://www.seed-china.com/Info.aspx?ModelId=1&Id=23563 2007-11-15
·[ 企业新闻] 黄瓜嫁接技术(农户操作实地拍摄视频)
黄瓜嫁接技术(农户操作实地拍摄视频) 种植户在迈迪展示园采用迈迪配套的砧木和黄瓜品种,嫁接栽培黄瓜春季亩产3万斤,经济效益可观。现将嫁接技术共享。(种子、技术咨询:13817577397) ...
http://www.seed-china.com/Info.aspx?ModelId=1&Id=23562 2007-07-16
·[ 企业新闻] 公司引进的国内外西甜瓜展示(图片视频)
公司引进的国内外西甜瓜展示。请点击下面连接。 ...
http://www.seed-china.com/Info.aspx?ModelId=1&Id=23561 2007-07-13
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