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·[ 企业新闻] Managing Director learned and visited in Israel
Mr.Wu,Managing Director of WUHAN HANYAN SEED SCI-TECH LTD,learned and visted in Israel and got certificate of Training....
http://www.seed-china.com/Info.aspx?ModelId=1&Id=46469 2016-01-28
·[ 企业新闻] Janpanese Breeder from TOKITA visted our farm
Janpanese Breeder from TOKITA company, visted our farm and communicated with our agromist about Hybrid and Transfer on 4th March 2013....
http://www.seed-china.com/Info.aspx?ModelId=1&Id=46468 2016-01-28
·[ 企业新闻] Mr Wuzhong visited ShangDong Academy of Agricultural sciences’ institute of veg
Mr Zhong Wu,Managing Director of Wuhan Hanyan Seeds Sci-Tech Ltd,attended ISF world seed congress hold in Beijing from 26th May to 28th May 2014.Below is the photo of Mr Wu and MrTimonthy Jahnson,Chairman of International seed fed...
http://www.seed-china.com/Info.aspx?ModelId=1&Id=46467 2016-01-28
·[ 企业新闻] ISF world seed congress
Mr Wu Zhong,Managing Director of WUHAN HANYAN SEEDS SCI-TECH CO.,LTD,attended ISF world seed congress,had a photo with Chairman of APSA(The Asia and Pacific Seed Association)...
http://www.seed-china.com/Info.aspx?ModelId=1&Id=46466 2016-01-28
·[ 企业新闻] Asian Seed Congress 2014,Macau
Asian Seed congress will be held in Macau on 10th November 2014,Wuhan Hanyan Seed Sci-Tech Co.,Ltd located atRegular Trading Table - 71....
http://www.seed-china.com/Info.aspx?ModelId=1&Id=46465 2016-01-28
·[ 企业新闻] APSA seed congress hold in Mac
Mr.Wuzhong,president of Wuhan Hanyan Seeds Sci-Tech Ltd,attened APSA seed congress hold in Macau....
http://www.seed-china.com/Info.aspx?ModelId=1&Id=46464 2016-01-28
·[ 企业新闻] 2015 APSA seed congress in Goa
Manager director Mr.Wu and International sales manager Miss maya attened the 2015 APSA seed congress hold in Goa ,India and had many fruitful meeting with our customer during Asia seed congress....
http://www.seed-china.com/Info.aspx?ModelId=1&Id=46463 2016-01-28
·[ 企业新闻] 2015年公司在主营项目:玉米新品种的引进、试种,报审方面取
http://www.seed-china.com/Info.aspx?ModelId=1&Id=46433 2016-01-25
·[ 企业新闻] 2015年我公司在西甜瓜新品种的测试和筛选上取得了可喜的成绩
http://www.seed-china.com/Info.aspx?ModelId=1&Id=46432 2016-01-25
·[ 企业新闻] 第32届武汉种子交易会
http://www.seed-china.com/Info.aspx?ModelId=1&Id=46392 2016-01-20
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